Hello! I am your friendly, neighborhood Retainer Vocate for the shop, Kouya Kaji.

The idea of this shop was posed by our FC leader, Istari Xiomar, some time ago, as something he’d like to see us have in the future to turn the Black Waltz into a thing outside of the game-world of Eorzea. With a lot of work and some free time, I was able to put this together, and I hope you like what you see.

If you want to help support all of the amazing work that your fellow members do, consider an order!

Trick or Treat!

It’s that time of year again – get ready for the best holiday where you get to dress up even crazier than you already do (in game and out). Heading out to trick or treat, or just handing out candy? Why not have some holiday gear to go with it!

Art by Kouya Kaji.

Waltz Pride

As one of our core tenants is our inclusivity, we’re using June’s Pride Month to show our love for all of our members, because love is at the heart of the Waltz.

Art by Kouya Kaji.