
  • Production & Shipping Times
    Hello everyone! Your friendly Retainer Vocate here, Kouya Kaji! While things are still crazy in the world, it seems like a lot of things are getting quicker! I just want to keep you updated on the latest info, along with some info on how the orders are fulfilled, where, and how long it can take. Right now Printful, the company doing the majority of our printing, is getting back on READ MORE
  • Coasters are now available
    Hello everyone! Kouya Kaji here, just letting you all know that we now have coasters available in the Free Company shop! Expect to see more in the next week or so, but for now, enjoy what we have up – including the WaltzBucks logos! On top of that, the coasters are some of the new items we’re getting that include free shipping from the manufacturer! They’re all mix and match, READ MORE
  • Embroidered Waltz
    Hello, it’s your friendly, neighborhood Flare, Kouya Kaji. I was able to contact a friend, who digitized our logo for us to use on embroidered products. What does that mean to someone who has no idea what those words mean in that order? It means we can now sell baseball caps, knit caps, and shirts with embroidery on them, so you can show your WALTZ love in new ways. You READ MORE
  • Just Getting Started
    Hello friends from «Waltz», this is your friendly, neighborhood Retainer Vocate Flare, Kouya Kaji! This site has been a work of passion for me for the past few weeks, and I’m glad to finally see it coming together enough that I can share it with a few select others to start getting their artwork in here too. The goal of this whole thing is to help support the FC however READ MORE